We are fortunate to have a superb Leisure Complex which includes a large indoor pool, sauna, showers and well equipped gym. Just outside, close to and part of the leisure complex is a sunny Alfresco dining area complete with brick barbecue. Where you can relax on a sun bed amongst the palm trees, flowers and exotic plants.  The use of the leisure facilities is restricted to owners and their guests.

The Oasis apartments are set in beautiful private grounds that are very well maintained. They incorporate a picturesque and exotic Japanese water garden, a woodland walk and a traditional pergola. The other side of the barbecue area there is a well stocked herb garden for the foodies and cooks amongst us.

Oasis members can and do entertain their friends and we hold a summer garden party every August and a Christmas party with carols every year too.

Please look at our Gallery to see for yourself the beautiful surroundings we live in at The Oasis.